Sunday, 29 September 2013

Work this Week for 12C & 12D - 30th September

Thanks for selecting your medium close up shot for your Pre-Lim Task.
We are now entering the next stage of the creative cycle and creative decisions made by you.

Let's re-cap on the Pre-lim brief:

Coursework Brief
Preliminary exercise: using Desk Top Publishing and an image manipulation program (PhotoShop), produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program. 

Make sure that your Pre-lim work contains all the features that I have made bold and underlined. (this is called working accurately to the brief)

Tasks for this week.

  1. Set up your Chosen image on a Photoshop canvas (Height 59.8cm & Width 42cm) This 2 x A4 portrait style.
  2. Open your Pic in Photoshop and place the Pic on the canvas.
  3. If your picture is not a good fit we will use the Crop tool to ensure a Medium Close Up shot and The Rule of Thirds for good shot composition.
  4. Decide if you manipulate the Image in any other way (Remove Background & Re Colour using a suitable Colour Palette.
  5. Refer to Style Models (I have provided some examples in previous posts but chose your own and upload as a new post on your Blog) to make sure the picture is meets the conventions of a School Magazine Front page.
  6. Choose an appropriate Title for your  School Magazine (Possibly incorporating the School name)
  7. Choose A Suitable Font (Add a Post to Show why you choose the Font - What does it say to the Audience)
  8. Explain your Choice of Colours (Look at Colour Palettes)
  9. Add the Appropriate text
  10. Save as JPEG on Desktop & Upload to your Blog.

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