Sunday, 7 December 2014

Christmas Round the Corner...

It is my intention to have a phased return to school next week (My Doctor is not too convinced but ...) so I hope to catch up with you all for a 10 minute tutorial to assess your progress.
Anyway you seem to have completed your pre-Xmas work to an excellent standard and I am really grateful for their focussed work. Please make sure you post, post, post and publish your posts like Santa's little helpers.
Enjoy your build up to Christmas and I was delighted to hear that you had a fantastic time in London.
Happy Christmas to Jade, Harry, Sophie & Allan

Monday, 1 December 2014

Christmas is Coming

Hi Harry, Jade, Sophie & 
Fab 5 - Xmas Beatles with Sweepn,

Firstly Happy first of December - Christmas is really just round the corner and this will be a really busy time for you all. 

Can I ask the following from you please:

1. I have only received one email regarding 'work support' so I am presuming that you are all on target for our agreed goal of completing Draft coursework by Christmas. (Work expectations are clearly presented on the 2014 Assessment Schedule & the previous posts on my blog). Some of you are a number of posts missing so I will presume that you have prepared them but not published and posted then.

PLEASE PUBLISH ALL YOUR POSTS THIS WEEK PLEASE. (Next week by the absolute latest)

2. I hope to be back in school before Xmas and I intend to organise 10 minute Tutorials will all students to review work. This will enable me to assess your progress and plan the amount of additional support you require in the New Year.

3. I am making progress and will start 'physio' sessions this week to increase mobility in my right knee. I am optimistic (as usual) that I will begin to rapidly improve my mobility and hopefully 'hop' into school before the end of Term. I am targeting presenting the Christmas Concert but will be influenced by medical advice

***** London trip this Wednesday - Have a great time

Finally thanks for your work and please contact if you need any help.

See you soon

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Week commencing 24th November

Morning Allan, Sophie, Jade and Harry

Your tasks continue to ensure that there is evidence of your draft film shoot/editing on your individual blogs supported by informative posts (see previous posts.

ts for work structure.) We should be looking at at least 30+ posts by the end of term.

Your work is excellent quality though there is a clear difference within the group regarding posted work. Please make sure that your posts are all published.

If you have any issues please contact me,


PS. Please ensure that any equipment borrowed is promptly returned for use by others

Hope you are all OK - only just over one week to London.

One legged Liddell x


Monday, 17 November 2014

AS update

Good morning Allan, Jade, Sophie and Harry Hope you are being well looked after in my absence. Firstly work - would you let me know if you reqiure a digital camera for any photo shoots this week. In the first instance see Mr Bush but if you are having any difficulies getting access please contact using my home email at I will ensure that the correct equipment is made available. (Use this email if you need any help. Thanks) 
  1. I would like to see evidence of your original images in the first stages of your draft design, Remember to plan and check with staff regarding the use of props (remember I saw Miss McBirney regarding pictures frames for Alan's plans. Miss Barham will lend you costumes and the Music dept fot instruments.)
  2. Hopefully you will be applying the original images to your Adobe templates (59.7cm Height x 42cm width for Front Cover and Contents page & 59.7 cm Height x 82 cm width for DPS)
  3. Please make sure you post on your blog all your activities.
I had my operation on my birthday last Wednesday. It involved drilling 3 holes into my knee cap and threading my detached patella ligament through he holes and re-attaching to the bone. I came back home on Thursday night and am getting better and managing the pain each day. I have limited mobility and have to wear a leg brace and crutches for 6 weeks. I have an appoitment with my consultant next week and he will advise me when I can return to work. I am optimistically hoping that I can return to my Media classes at the beginning of December but that will depend upon the Doctors and Physios assessment of my medical condition.

 The London trip is of course going ahead so please make sure that you pay your balance to Miss Riley before December 3rd. I have sorted all the arrangements and you will have a wonderful trip. Just wish I was with you.

Please contact if you need anything at all and I look forward to reading posts on your blog to see the progress you are making.

Really miss you all
One legged Mike

Monday, 10 November 2014

AS work W/C 10th November 2014

Week commencing 
10th November 2014.


AS Focus Initial Planning & Draft storyboarding with scanned plans should be complete.

As discussed last week:
This term should be about construction of your coursework Music magazine (Cover/Contents/DPS) - I expect you to begin your photo shoot this week.
See previous blog regarding ‘mis en scene’ for guidance.

I will be checking your Blog for evidence of the following posts:
  1. The organisation of Actors, Costumes, Location and Resources(Camera, Tripod,Props etc.) are going to be your most difficult challenge to organise within an agreed time frame. (This activity will establish who will achieve the top grades this year)
  2. I will be checking your posts and I expect to see clear evidence of your planning including dates times and outcomes.
  3. I would like to see evidence posted of some of your initial filming. (Post multiple images and  posts should show decisions & revisions behind your choices of  Images.)
  4. Your posts should demonstrate clearly understanding of the construction process and show clear evidence of progress throughout this term.

I will provide a booking form via Mr Bush or Mrs Riley so that you can have planned access to one of the 3 Digital cameras and one of the 2 tripods.) You must return resources to Apple 1 IMMEDIATELY after use. Thanks

Sunday, 9 November 2014


Hi my Media Chums in Year 12 & 13,

I am writing this from my ‘sick bed’ awaiting an appointment with a knee specialist on Wednesday 12th November. I’m sure you have heard about my freak accident in school last Thursday and the outcome of my fall is that I have cruciate ligament damage. 

The extent of the damage will be known on Wednesday and I will be able to let you know more about any potential absence from my lessons with you.

Can I re-assure you that I will ensure that you can, and will be supported to, maintain your excellent progress in my absence.


  • I will post specific tasks & activities on My blog and I will weekly review your progress on your individual blogs and report progress and/or concerns to Mrs Riley

  • I am organising a booking system to allow you sign for Media resources including  video camera’s, tripods, digital cameras etc to help with the construction of the coursework.

  • The Academy will support your learning with supervision staff where necessary though the focus of this term (ref:  Your attached Assignment plans) was always to complete your  coursework by Christmas.

You have progressed really well with AS & A2 coursework and I am desperate to get back to school ASAP. I really am a rubbish patient.

If you have any concerns please contact me personally through the school email or my home email


……..and finally

Finally the Media Trip to London will be going ahead and I hope to be able to join you. Could those students who owe monies please pass on cash only to Mrs Riley. I have provided her with the Group list.
Hope to be back very soon as I sincerely miss you all
Fondest regards

Mr Liddell

Monday, 3 November 2014

AS this term

This term the aim of AS it use your story boards/Drafts clearly, influenced by your chosen style models, to move into the Production stage of your coursework.

Planning of all elements of 'mis en scene' must be clearly presented in your posts in relation to your specific job roles.

Explain the reason behind your choice of: 

  1. Location, 
  2. Costume, 
  3. Props, 
  4. Actors, 
  5. Lighting, 
  6. Camera angles, 
  7. Editing using Adobe Photoshop. 

Importantly how does this influence your narrative and what does it say to the audience?
You must organise your Photo schedule in the next couple of weeks. 

This will enable you to make decisions and revisions within a reasonable time frame.
It will also enable you to think about editing (Post Production)

Remember our aim is to complete the Front Cover, Contents & DPS and create our Music Magazine by Christmas 2014 (only 6 weeks away!!)

Finally you will need to organise time in my lessons and after curriculum to successfully complete this 'creative process'.

Good luck.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The Generic Conventions of A Music Magazine

Check this link:

Conventions Video

Your First task is to understand the Conventions of a Music Magazine.
Look at the style in the examples below.
You must present the work in a similar style to the example below. This is an AS example and the process if appropriate - I think more technical media language would enhance this work


Task One

  1. Work in Groups of 2 groups of 2 to present your finding for next Wednesday's Lesson (17th October).
  2. Select a Music magazine of your choice (Music Sub-genre) and apply the conventions
  3. We will be using Peer feed back to support your work.
  4. Your Work must be presented as either a PowerPoint Presentation or in Keynote. (This is vital & I will show you how to upload your work onto your Blog using your personal SlideShare Account after the Assessment)
  5. You can Post some of your research findings on your Blog. (15 posts as least for the first assignment) n.b. Please use Links & Images to illustrate your posts.
When researching tasks - Please check the source for quality and reliability. (some research may be AS student work - How do we know that it correct? Use the OCR website)

See me if you need any help.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Evaluation Questions - An early 'heads up'

Look at the questions below: These contribute to 20 marks of your coursework portfolio.
You will be working on Ques. 3 (Media Institutions) in Mr Argent's lessons now. Post any information about Music Mag Institutions on your Blog (including your last essay re: Bauer Media) This will be useful when we come to present the 7 Questions

G321: Foundation Portfolio – Evaluation

This is a crucial part of your project. Even if you have not made the greatest final piece, you can still get maximum marks (20) through careful consideration of the whole production process.
Don’t see this as an essay  Incorporate work you have already, images, storyboards, to point out specific details of your journey/experiences.
As long as you use these guides.
  1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?Make this obvious – are you trying to challenge or reinforce conventions – HOW?
  2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?Show the representation say if it is a good or bad one!
  3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?Name them – and find examples that are similar from them – then compare yours to theirs.
  4. Who would be the audience for your media product?Why – have you got evidence of them saying it appeals to them – and why it appeals to them? FaceBook - Feedback from Half Term Reviews - Questionnaires etc
  5. How did you attract/address your audience?Use Specific examples from your production that refers back to your questionnaire analysis – one should be informed by the other.
  6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?Easy, Difficult, Time consuming, Expensive? Mention REsources & software etc
  7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?Compare them! What have you done better!!

You can now look at f exemplar Print Productions Level 1 - 4 from the

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Todays work

For Monday please

  • Complete the Front Cover using style models of School Magazine's to place appropriate text to compliment your medium close up main image.

  • Using the same canvas size (42cm width & 59.4cm Height) create a mock up of the contents page. Place a different original image and show the following:

  1. A numbered index of potential contents.
  2. Font & Colours palette for basic House style.
  3. You may wish to add a school badge to support this (simply download an image and apply to Front Cover and Contents)

  • Please use my blog and refer to last year's Pre-lim examples
  • Remember this is a Pre-lim task not a Main task so lets aim to have it finished for Monday when we will evaluate your work and provide posts to reflect on decisions & revisions made 

Thank you - you are a fantastic group to work with

Monday, 3 February 2014

Countdown to Coursework Deadline for Half -Term

Ref: Previous post on my Blog for your work.

3 Tasks today

Task one
Check Out the OCR site

Look at the AS Music Magazine's with marks.

Assess your work now. How does it compare with the Exemplar Material.

Task 2: 
What are you going to do to improve your work?  What are you going to do improve your work? (We will focus on Grade improvement after half term)

Task 3:
Continue to develop work on the 3 templates - Students who have competed the templates -refer to previous work for extension activities (Have you created a Prezi Account? have you looked at Podcast creation on Garageband?)

Task 4
I will ask to see individual students to assess their grades & also identify bespoke fonts from DaFont for your work. (I will download chosen fonts onto my MACbook and create a file to be added to the system for you)

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Work to be Completed by Half Term

After analysing your Blogs I have revised your study focus up until Half Term.
Many students are still working on their Front cover Templates and the Contents & DPS are barely started.

By Friday 14th Feb (Half Term)

  1. All 3 Templates need to be Complete.
  2. This includes Original Images and the Relevant Text and Style Features ready to be submitted to the Exam Board.
  3. Please to continue to Blog focusing upon Decisions & revisions that you have made with your coursework particularly showing Drafts, progression and your growing Editing skills on Photoshop.
  4. * This will allow me Half term to assess your Coursework (60 Marks) and suggest improvement.
  5. I will make Apple 1 available for period 6 plus other lessons to ensure that you are given additional support when required. (You must see me to make these arrangements to fit around my other teaching responsibilities)

  • After Half Term we will concentrate on the 7 questions. If you have completed tees tasks I would like you to start blogging responses to the questions (See my earlier posts) and familiarising yourself with Prezi and Podcasts (Garageband). We will use these as platforms for your final presentation of the 7 questions)

Please ensure that you

  • Understand your Target Audience and clearly show how you are attracting them. 
  • Choice of image - How does your mode(s) represent your target audience. 
  • Colours that you have selected for your House Style - Why Again why would this choice be attractive to your Target audience?
  • Choice of Fonts Why? See above.
  • Do you remember the the Profile that we did last term. How does your magazine  represent this Group.
  • Bands they would like/follow Artists/Singers - 
  • Costume /Dress
  • Language Used 
  • Attitude 
  • Price that you are charging - Does this fit the social economic profile of your Audience??
  • You are making these decisions for Your Magazine